how to hang fishing waders

How to Hang Fishing Waders: Proven Methods for 3 Types

You may think, ‘Why do I need to hang my fishing waders? Can’t I just leave them on the floor or toss them in a corner?’ Well, properly hanging your waders is essential for their longevity and performance.

If you have chest waders, the best way to hang them is by using a sturdy hanger with clips. You can hang your waist waders by folding the waist portion over a hanger and securing it with a clip. The easiest way to hang hip waders is by placing them over a hook or peg and hanging them by the waist portion.

Today we will guide you through the best way to hang your waders for drying according to their types. We will also share tips and tricks to ensure your waders stay in great shape for your next fishing adventure. So let’s discuss how to hang fishing waders like a pro!

How to Hang Fishing Waders Based on Types?

How to Hang Fishing Waders based on their types

Hanging your fishing waders properly will help them dry faster and maintain their shape for your next fishing adventure. 

  • For Chest Waders
  • For Waist Waders
  • For Hip Waders

1. For Chest Waders

To hang chest waders, choose a dry and well-ventilated area and use a sturdy hanger or drying rack made specifically for waders to maintain their shape and prevent wrinkles. Follow these steps to hang your chest waders properly:

  1. Insert the hanger through the top of the waders, evenly distributing the weight along the shoulder straps.
  2. Turn the waders upside down so the feet hang downwards, allowing water to drain and speeding up the drying process.
  3. Extend the legs of the waders fully to promote airflow and ensure thorough drying.
  4. Ensure enough space around the waders for proper ventilation, avoiding direct sunlight to prevent fabric degradation.
  5. Regularly check the waders to ensure they are drying properly and prevent mold or mildew development.

2. For Waist Waders

Choose a dry and ventilated location similar to the one used for chest waders. Once you have prepared the waders, it’s time to hang them for drying. Use a hanger or a specialized wader drying rack and hang the waist waders by their belt. Make sure the waders’ legs are open to maximize airflow and facilitate drying.

Ensuring ample ventilation in the surrounding area is important, but keeping the waders away from direct sunlight is important. Regularly check the waders to gauge their drying progress and ensure they dry evenly.

3. For Hip Waders

When drying hip waders, opt for a well-ventilated area and ensure proper air circulation to accelerate the drying process. Start by turning the hip waders inside out to expose the interior, aiding in faster drying.

Then, hang the waders by the hip straps on a hanger or drying rack designed for waders. Make sure to open the legs of the waders to allow for proper ventilation. Place the hip waders in a dry and airy location, avoiding direct sunlight.

What to Use to Hang Waders for Drying

When hanging your fishing waders for drying, several options are available.

Boot Hangers:

To properly hang your fishing waders, use boot hangers designed to attach to the loops on the back of the waders, allowing them to drip-dry upside down. These hangers are specifically designed for stocking and boot foot waders, making them the perfect accessory for drying your gear after a fishing trip.

By hanging your waders upside down by their attached boots, you ensure that any excess water or moisture can easily drip off, preventing mold and mildew buildup. This helps extend the lifespan of your waders and keeps them fresh and ready for your next fishing adventure.

Investing in boot hangers is a quick and effective way to properly care for your fishing waders and ensure they remain in top condition for years.

Ensure proper dryingRequires additional storage space
Prevents mold and mildew buildupMay not be suitable for all waders
Extends the lifespan of wadersAdditional cost for boot hangers

Rod Holders:

Rod Holders

We’ve seen how boot hangers work to hang fishing waders, now let’s see how rod holders work. These versatile tools, commonly used for storing fishing rods, can also be a practical solution for drying your waders.

By inserting the wader boots into the holders and securing them in place, you can ensure proper air circulation and prevent the waders from losing shape.

Using rod holders to hang your fishing waders offers several advantages.

  1. Allows you to utilize existing equipment creatively.
  2. Provides a sturdy and reliable solution, ensuring your waders stay securely in place.
  3. Rod holders are often adjustable, allowing you to customize the height and angle at which your waders are hung.
  4. This method dries your waders effectively and keeps them organized and easily accessible for your next fishing adventure.

Clothesline or Drying Rack:

If you’re looking for a different drying method, consider using a clothesline or drying rack for your waders. Hanging them upside down by the attached boots allows efficient drying and prevents water pooling.

This method ensures that your waders are well-ventilated and not bunched up, allowing air to circulate and facilitate drying. By using a clothesline or drying rack, you can easily hang your stockingfoot waders or boot foot waders in a convenient location.

To maximize airflow, ensure the waders are evenly spread out, with no folds or creases. This method prevents mold and mildew from forming while keeping your waders in top condition for your next fishing adventure.

Clip Hangers:

Using clip hangers is a simple and effective way to maintain the shape and promote proper drying of your boot foot waders. Here are some reasons why clip hangers are a great option:

  • Adjustable clips: Clip hangers come with adjustable clips that can be easily attached to the fabric of your waders. This ensures a secure hold, preventing them from slipping off and causing any damage.
  • Preserves shape: By folding the waders at the knees and clipping them to the hangers, you can preserve their shape and prevent any unwanted creases or wrinkles. This is especially important for maintaining the longevity of your waders.
  • Thorough drying: Hanging your waders with clip hangers allows for proper air circulation, promoting thorough drying. This helps prevent the growth of mildew or unpleasant odors, ensuring your waders are ready for your next fishing adventure.
  • Easy storage: Clip hangers make it convenient to store your waders. They can be easily hung in a closet or on a hook, occupying minimal space and organizing your gear.

Best Practices for Hanging Wet Waders

When hanging wet waders, there are a few best practices to remember but hang them in a dry location to prevent mold and mildew from forming.

#1 Dry Location:

Hang the fishing waders in a dry, cool location away from direct sunlight to prevent deterioration. After a long day on the water, properly dry and store your fishing waders to maintain their quality and prolong their lifespan.

Find a spot that is well-ventilated and moisture-free, as excessive humidity can lead to mold and mildew growth. Avoid hanging your waders in areas with high temperatures, as heat can cause the rubber to break down over time.

Hanging them in a garage or a dedicated gear room is a good choice. Make sure to use a sturdy hanger that can support the weight of the waders and allow them to hang freely.

#2 Proper Ventilation:

To maintain your gear’s quality, ensure your waders are placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent mold and mildew growth. Hanging them properly after use is crucial.

Find a dry location with adequate airflow to ensure proper ventilation. Avoid storing your waders in a damp or enclosed space, as this can lead to moisture buildup and the growth of mold and mildew. Instead, choose a spot where air can circulate freely, such as a well-ventilated closet or a garage with good ventilation.

Hang your waders in a way that allows them to fully air out, such as by using a wader hanger or hanging them upside down from a sturdy rod. This will help prevent moisture from remaining trapped inside, keeping your waders fresh and odor-free for your next fishing adventure.

#3 Avoid Direct Sunlight:

It’s important to be cautious of direct sunlight when drying your waders, as extended exposure can degrade the materials over time due to UV rays.

To properly hang your fishing waders, follow these guidelines:

  • Find a shady area or a well-ventilated space to hang your waders. This will help prevent the materials from overheating and losing their strength.
  • Use a sturdy hanger or a drying rack specifically designed for waders. Hanging them upside down by the booties will allow them to dry evenly and maintain their shape.
  • Avoid hanging your waders near sharp objects or rough surfaces that could potentially damage or puncture the fabric.

#4 Drip Trays:

Place a drip tray or mat beneath your hanging waders to catch water drips and prevent a mess on your floor. This simple step can save you from dealing with water damage or an unpleasant cleanup.

Drip trays are designed to capture any water that may drip from your waders while hanging, ensuring that it doesn’t end up on your floor. They are typically made of durable materials like plastic or rubber, making them easy to clean and reuse.

Using a drip tray, you can keep your fishing gear organized and protect your floor from potential water damage. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in maintaining the cleanliness and condition of your fishing area.

Do your feet get wet in stockingfoot waders?

Do your feet get wet in stockingfoot waders

Make sure your feet stay dry while wearing stockingfoot waders. Stockingfoot waders are designed to keep your feet dry, even when wading in water.

Unlike boot foot waders with attached boots, stocking foot waders require separate wading socks or booties to be worn inside the water. These socks create a waterproof barrier between your feet and the water, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable throughout your fishing expedition.

To prevent any water from entering your waders, properly secure the wading socks to the wader. Start by rolling the wading sock over your foot and up your calf, making sure it fits snugly and without any wrinkles.

Then, secure the stockingfoot wader over the wading sock, ensuring a tight and secure fit. This will prevent any water from seeping into the wader and keep your feet dry.

How to store heavy fishing waders?

Now that you know how to keep your feet dry in stockingfoot waders, it’s important to know how to store heavy fishing waders properly. To ensure their longevity and prevent damage, follow these steps:

  1. Find a suitable storage location: Choose a cool and dry place that is away from direct sunlight. Avoid damp or humid areas as they can promote the growth of mold and mildew.
  2. Use a heavy-duty hanger: Invest in a sturdy hanger, such as Tough Hook Hangers, to support the weight of your waders. These hangers are designed to handle the bulkiness of fishing waders and make storing them a breeze.
  3. Hang your waders upside down: Hang your waders by the suspenders or shoulder straps to keep them in shape and prevent creasing. This will also allow any moisture to drain out, keeping them dry and odor-free.
  4. Avoid folding or crushing: Never fold or crush your waders when storing them, as this can damage the fabric and affect their waterproof properties. Hanging them properly will help maintain their integrity and ensure they’re ready for your next fishing adventure.

Proper Care for Your Waders: Keep Them Clean and Dry

Regardless of the wader type, proper care is crucial. Before hanging, ensure the waders are clean and free of debris. By following the techniques and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your waders dry thoroughly and stay in great condition.

Just allow sufficient time for them to dry completely before storing them. Regularly inspect your waders for any signs of damage, and make repairs promptly to extend their lifespan.

Remember, just as your waders protect you on your fishing adventures, taking care of them in return is important. So, go ahead and hang up those waders like a seasoned angler, and let them dry with pride, knowing that your next fishing trip will be even more enjoyable.

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